Navigating Postpartum Pre-Eclampsia: Your Friendly Guide to Recovery

Manual blood pressure monitor to monitor blood pressure during postpartum preeclapsia

So, you’ve just brought a beautiful new life into the world, and now you’re expected to handle it all like a pro, right? 🎉 But what happens when you’re hit with a curveball like postpartum preeclampsia? Don’t worry; I’ve got your back. Let’s chat about it.

First things first, postpartum preeclampsia isn’t something we talk about enough. Truth be told, I never knew about it until the birth of my 5th child when it happened to me. It's sneaky and can appear even after you think you’re out of the woods.

Imagine this: you’re trying to savor those first snuggles with your little one, but then you start feeling like something’s just not right. Headaches, high blood pressure, and swelling that makes you feel like a balloon ready to pop. Sounds familiar?

I know, it's overwhelming. But here’s the good news – you don’t have to face this alone. Here are some strategies to manage postpartum preeclampsia, straight from one mom to another:

1. Keep an Eye on Your Blood Pressure: This might sound like a no-brainer, but seriously, monitor it like it’s the latest Netflix series. Get a home blood pressure monitor. It’s an investment in your health and peace of mind. I also want to caution you not to let the monitor consume you. This is something I struggled with. Use it as a tool, not a crutch.

2. Stay on Top of Your Meds: If your doctor prescribes medication, take it like you never miss an episode of your favorite show. Set reminders on your phone if you have to. Consistency is key.

3. Rest, Rest, Rest: Yes, you heard me. I know it feels impossible with a newborn, but delegate tasks. Lean on your partner, family, or friends. Nap when the baby naps. You need your strength. Call on family and friends or even consider hiring a postpartum doula! Let these people take care of you so you can focus on healing.

4. Hydrate Like a Fish: Drink plenty of water. It helps reduce swelling and flushes out your system. Plus, it’s great for breastfeeding if you’re on that journey.

5. Listen to Your Body: This is huge. If something feels off, don’t brush it off. Call your healthcare provider. Trust your instincts – you’re not just a mom; you’re a superhero with amazing intuition. If your medical provider isn’t listening to your concerns, find one that will. Remember, they work for you….even though they don’t admit it.

6. Keep Up with Follow-up Appointments: Don’t skip these. They’re your lifeline to ensure everything is on track. Your health is just as important now as it was during pregnancy.

Navigating postpartum preeclampsia isn’t a walk in the park, but you’re stronger than you think. Remember, it’s okay to ask for help and lean on your support system. You’re doing an incredible job and taking care of yourself is a huge part of taking care of your baby.

Let’s keep this conversation going! Drop a comment on my blog about your experiences or questions. And if you’re not already on my email list, what are you waiting for? Sign up now to get more tips and support straight to your inbox. Together, we’ve got this.

Stay strong, mama. 💖

P.S. Don’t forget to check in with yourself. You’re important too.

P.P.S. Here is a link to an article talking about postpartum preeclampsia if you’d like to read more information: Postpartum preeclampsia/eclampsia: Defining its place and management among the hypertensive disorders of pregnancy - PMC (


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